meaning @ northwestern
courses in the linguistics department
- 270 Meaning
- 311 Child Language
- 317 Experimental Pragmatics
- 370 Fundamentals of Meaning (counts towards Philosophy degrees)
- 371 Reference
- 372 Pragmatics
- 373 Implicature
- 470 Semantic Analysis
- 472 Seminar in Semantics
related courses in other departments
- Phil 353 Philosophy of Language
- Psych 324 Perception
- Psych 333 Psychology of thinking
- Psych 334 Psychology of Language
- Psych 361 Brain Damage and the Mind
- Psych 362 Cognitive Development
- Psych 364 Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Psych 446 Human Memory and Cognition
- Psych 461 Reasoning and Representation
- Psych 466 Analogy and Similarity
- Psych 492 Topics in Cognitive Development
related courses at the University of Chicago
(cross-registration via the CIC Program)
- Pragmatics
- Semantics I
- Semantics II
- Seminar on Semantics
please consult the Office of the Registrar for current course offerings