McWOP 16: The Sixteenth Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology


Call for Papers




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McWOP 16 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all events will take place in Frances Searle Building, 3rd floor atrium and room 3-417.

Friday, October 29
2:00pm - 4:00pmFeatural Structure
Chair: Ann Bradlow
2:00pmNatalie Operstein (University of Iowa & University of California Los Angeles)
Intrasegmental consonant structure in the light of consonant prevocalization
2:30pmCatherine Ringen and Vladimir Kulikov (University of Iowa)
Voice onset time in Russian
3:00pmSan Duanmu and Yaoyun Shi (University of Michigan)
Vowel features in P-base
3:30pmKelly H. Berkson (University of Kansas)
The nature of optional sibilant harmony in Navajo
4:00pm - 4:30pmBREAK
4:30pm - 6:00pmModeling Phonological Knowledge
Chair: Janet Pierrehumbert
4:30pmLisa Hesterberg and Janet Pierrehumbert (Northwestern University)
Building a predictive model of the Arabic plural system
5:00pmMatthew T. Carlson, Morgan Sonderegger, and Max Bane (University of Chicago)
Global properties of the phonological network in child and child-directed speech
5:30pmKathleen Currie Hall (City University of New York - College of Staten Island & The Graduate Center)
A probabilistic model of phonological relationships

Saturday, October 30
9:00am - 10:00amBREAKFAST
10:00am - 11:30amMorphophonology
Chair: Catherine Ringen
10:00amAndrew Kostakis (Indiana University)
The /s/-anomaly: A re-analysis of Latin rhoticism
10:30amEric Raimy (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Contiguity effects in reduplication
11:00amMichael C. Dow and Christopher R. Green (Indiana University)
On the seemingly opaque morphophonology of Najamba (Dogon)
11:30am - 1:00pmLUNCH (on your own)
1:00pm - 2:30pmProsody and Tone
Chair: Ken de Jong
1:00pmYuanliang Meng (University of Kansas)
Perceiving tone categories of Shanghainese: An experimental study and computational simulation
1:30pmBrett Hyde (Washington University)
Iambs and trochees, symmetries and asymmetries
2:00pmNicholas C. Henriksen (Northern Illinois University)
The phonetics and phonology of utterance-initial peaks in Manchego Peninsular Spanish wh-questions
2:30pm - 3:00pmBREAK
3:00pm - 4:30pmAcquisition
Chair: Jennifer Cole
3:00pmRebecca L. Morley (The Ohio State University)
Deletion or epenthesis? Repercussions for a theory of phonological universals
3:30pmStuart Davis and Marwa Ragheb (Indiana University)
On the acquisition of prosodic structure: Two cases
4:00pmSharon Gerlach (University of Minnesota)
Toward a better understanding of initial consonant deletion in acquisition
4:30pm - 6:00pmPOSTER SESSION [link to abstracts]
6:00pm - 6:30pmBusiness Meeting
7:00pmLocation: Chambers Hall, Lower Level

Sunday, October 31
9:00am - 10:00amBREAKFAST
10:00am - 12:00pmLanguage in Context
Chair: Matt Goldrick
10:00amKevin McGowan (University of Michigan)
Listeners' use of sociolinguistic information during early phonetic judgments
10:30amJordana Heller (Northwestern University) and Jennifer S. Pardo (Montclair State University)
First impression and speaker role influence VOT convergence during conversation
11:00amSara Phillips and Cynthia G. Clopper (The Ohio State University)
Implicit imitation of regional dialects: Acoustic analysis
11:30amIman Saadah (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
The effect of experience on vowel production: The case of heritage speakers of Arabic
12:00pmClosing Remarks