McWOP 16: The Sixteenth Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology


Call for Papers




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McWOP 16 Poster Session

Saturday, October 30
4:30pm - 6:00pmPOSTER SESSION
Lauren Ackerman, Laura Ann Burchfield, Lisa Hesterberg, Jenna Silver Luque, Kelsey Mok, and Ann Bradlow (Northwestern University)
The development of ALLSSTAR: The Archive of L1 and L2 Scripted and Spontaneous Transcripts and Recordings

Karen Chu and Matt Goldrick (Northwestern University)
Modeling gradient speech errors in articulatory phonology

Emily Clare (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Affricates: The codependence of manner of articulation features and voicing

Lauren Eby (Harvard University)
Initial syllable faithfulness in the realization of Norwegian tone

Caroline Engstler and Matt Goldrick (Northwestern University)
Phonological and lexical attrition after a study-abroad experience

Midam Kim (Northwestern University)
Phonetic convergence after perceptual exposure towards native and nonnative speakers

Karen Lichtman, Jennifer Cole, and Meryl Garrison (University of Illinois)
Second-order phonotactic constraints based on speaker voice are learnable

Lindsey Quinn-Wriedt (University of Iowa)
Maasai vowel harmony and Harmonic Serialism

Bridget Smith (The Ohio State University)
Effects of frequency on phoneme processing

Charlotte Vaughn, Michael Frazier, Amanda Murphy, and Matthew Goldrick (Northwestern University)
The influence of coda neighbors on phonetic variation

Chia-Hsin Yeh (Michigan State University) and Jung-Yueh Tu (Indiana University)
Effects of language attrition on tonal changes in Taiwanese

Kenji Yoshida (Indiana University)
F0 realization of pitch registers (shiki) in three dialects of Japanese